Oatmeal Soap Bars -❤️ Like and Love ❤️ !
Oatmeal Soap , what we knows about "oatmeal" ?
Healthy as a breakfast or delicious baked as a cookie ? But what some people do not know is that oatmeal can also be used to as a beauty organic cold process soaps to keep your skin smooth and healthy. Oatmeal has been around for thousands of years and used in beauty rituals. Oats were used by the ancients Greeks and Romans as a bath treatment.

Many beauty products are now made with finely milled oatmeal such as face washes, body scrubs, and soaps. Oatmeal will nourish the skin and can be used as an exfoliate. An easy way to get the benefits of oatmeal on your skin is by using oatmeal soap.
One of the great uses of oatmeal is that it can be used as a natural exfoliate. It soothes the skin and helps relieve itching caused by insect bites or dryness.

Grandma's natural goat's milk and honey blossom from our local farm ingredients be added to personalize our oatmeal collection soaps:
Goat's milk , oatmeal and honey works wonders for skin care . Goat’s milk will make the skin soft and silky.

Oatmeal and Guinness!
Beer Soap Oatmeal and Stout Soap Bar with Guinness Extra Stout Beer- Artisan Soap
Yes, Guinness IS good for you. I knew that Guinness was nutritious and that it makes a great hair conditioner but until I tried this I didn't realize that it's great for your skin too. It's the barley and the hops in the Guinness that makes it so rich and the soap also contains oatmeal and shea butter. It won't make you smell like a brewery - it has a lovely fresh scent.

Oatmeal is an organic substance that can be used on the skin; it works as a mild exfoliant, is an anti-inflammatory, and helps to retain moisture in the skin. Oatmeal as a facial also decreases dead skin cells and it's great as a facial scrub. Oatmeal Skin Care Age Spots Oatmeal: Oatmeal is an excellent exfoliator for cleaning dead skin cells; it has anti-inflammatory qualities. Combine three tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of milk, mixing it into a paste. Apply where the spots are, leaving it on until dry. Rinse with water only..